73110000: Research services
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The South Downs National Park Authority commissioned Economic Profiles in 2018 and 2020 (with updated data). This information provided a robust evidence base to inform the SDNPA's cur-rent strategy to support the Rural Economy in the SDNP. Updating this data is important to under-stand any significant economic changes or shifting trends across the geography since the last profile and to potentially identify new priorities to support a vibrant local economy and communities with-in them. We wish to appoint a contractor to undertake a South Downs National Park Economic Profile, comparisons and analysis and sectoral deep dives.
Additional information: SDNPA use an electronic sourcing portal to manage all tendering and quotation exercises and current and future contract opportunities can be viewed at https://in-tendhost.co.uk/southdowns.
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Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No
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