85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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The London Borough of Croydon ('the Council") is seeking to commission an experienced Service Provider to run a new children's home and deliver registered services. The full scope of the contract requirements are provided in the Service Specification, which form part of the Tender Documents. The Contract is for a period of a maximum of 7 years (the "Term"). This procurement will be carried out in line with the open procurement process detailed within the PCR 2015. The required Services are being procured via a competitive tendering process and will run electronically via the Croydon Tenders Portal. All communication throughout the tender process will be via London Borough of Croydon E-Procurement Site - Home (in-tendhost.co.uk). A bidders briefing will be held on the 7th January at 11am. Please register your interest via correspondence message including, name and email of attendees on the intend portal to receive an teams invite to the event.
Additional information: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/croydontenders/aspx/Home
Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No
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