90700000: Environmental services
Detailed information about the contract
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8 week phase 1 project to develop a scope for a follow-on phase 2 project that will deliver that scope. Phase 2 to be contracted separately. The scope provided on completion of phase 1 must therefore be clear and comprehensive enough for the future successful supplier to independently bid and deliver on.
Location: contractors premises, with MS Teams weekly progress meetings.
About the project: The Environment Agency (EA) intends to undertake a comprehensive assessment of its nature and biodiversity footprint. This project aims to identify and quantify the impacts of the EA's operations and supply chain on nature and biodiversity, forming the foundation for targeted, science-based management and disclosure reporting. The footprint will be used to support the EA's commitment to sustainability and compliance with emerging international frameworks such as the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). The first phase of this project is to develop a clearly defined scope for the footprint.
As an output the project scope itself must set out:
We will also need a final report of all findings that explains the rationale behind the scope and evidence base for decisions made in scoping. We welcome ideas from the supplier on any additional content of the scope and on the content and format of t
Additional information: To apply for this opportunity you must submit your quotation meeting the requirements detailed in the Request for Quotation (RFQ) attached. Your response must be sent to vicki.betts@environment-agency.gov.uk by 17:00 GMT on 29/01/2025. If you have any clarification questions linked to this opportunity or the procurement process please submit these via email to vicki.betts@environment-agency.gov.uk. Please note that, unless commercially sensitive, both the question and the response will be circulated to all tenderers.
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