79140000: Legal advisory and information services
Detailed information about the contract
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Additional information:
The Witness Service (WS) has been available in all Criminal Courts in England and Wales since 2003. The core purpose of the Service is to meet emotional and practical needs of witnesses, 44% of whom are also victims (2023/24), and support them to give their best evidence. In 2023/24, the current WS supported approximately 80,000 witnesses. Of these, about 28,000 were classified as vulnerable or intimidated.
The key elements of the support offered by the current Service are:
The sourcing exercise will be carried out on the MOJ e-sourcing portal, Jaggaer, which will provide a central repository of documents and full audit trail.
To apply, interested parties must create or log into an account on Jaggaer to start an application.
The site address is: https://ministryofjusticecommercial.bravosolution.co.uk.
For assistance with Jaggaer please contact: esourcing@justice.gov.uk or 0845 0100 132.
The application is an online process and divided into the following sections which will all need to be completed:
Qualification: Applicant shall provide responses to eligibility criteria.
Technical: Applicant shall provide responses to technical-based criteria, illustrating the proposed activities, plans, resources etc.
Commercial: Applicant shall provide a breakdown of funds applied for.
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