33000000: Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
Detailed information about the contract
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Please provide a quote for the items shown in the attached document. Prices to be fixed for a period of three years, with a further 12 month option to extend based on prices quoted remaining fixed for the extension period. Please indicate if this is not possible. Suppliers offering suitable alternatives MUST be able to provide samples FOC for evaluation. Quantities shown are approximate per annum. All quotations will be bench marked to ensure that trust is getting best price. NHS terms and conditions will apply, please see attached. Carriage charge MUST be indicated if applicable. - To access this competition: login to https://suppliers.multiquote.com and view the opportunity RA347759. Not registered on MultiQuote - visit https://suppliers.multiquote.com then register and quote RA347759 as the reason for registration. Any queries please contact MultiQuote on 0151 482 9230.
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