73110000: Research services
Detailed information about the contract
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British Council are seeking an experienced supplier for Arts, Peacebuilding, Conflict and Fragile Contexts Research: An examination of diverse examples and approaches of how arts and culture have addressed fragility, peace and stability in different contexts.
The aim of the research is to expand British Council's knowledge about the role of arts and culture in various contexts as well as to inform the organisation's future business development work.
Researchers and organisations globally are invited to apply, and consortium/collaborative proposals are welcomed.
Please note that all the questions related to the RFP should be submitted after 1st of January due to the holiday season and no responses will be provided before this time.
Additional information: If you are interested in expressing an interest and/or bidding for this project, please go to https://in-tendhost.co.uk/britishcouncil . You may then have to register your company before you can express an interest for this project and get access the documents.
Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No
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