34114000: Specialist vehicles
Detailed information about the contract
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The provision of depolluted vehicles to LFB for training purposes.
Additional information: Dear Supplier
The London Fire Commissioner (LFC) has transitioned to a new E-procurement platform (supplied by In-Tend Ltd). If you supply to blue light organisations, please register to this new portal to view new opportunities. Please see the attached document: Bluelight E-Procurement System - Supplier How to guide.
Supplier Portal: https://sell2.in-tend.co.uk/blpd/register
Please ensure that you as a supplier are registered with In-Tend using the above link, if you are not then you will need to register via Sell2, ensuring that you select London Fire in the portals page. I have attached an email that explains this in more detail.
Please note that the registration process is a 'two-step' process. Where a supplier first registers on the In-Tend portal and then once registered, selects London Fire in the portals page, as the second stage. If this second stage isn't completed, then you will not be able to tender with the LFC.
If you have any issues with registering to the supplier portal, then you should contact e-procurement@bluelight.police.uk.
Kind regards, LFB Procurement
Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No
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