80000000: Education and training services
Detailed information about the contract
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The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) intends to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to procure Work Focused Activities in Jobcentre Plus Districts in England, Scotland and Wales.
The DPS is for the procurement of social and other services referred to in Regulation 74 of the Public Contracts Regulations (2015) and as such, the intention is to use a light touch regime, rather than the full regime described in Regulation 34 (Dynamic Purchasing System). The DPS is for the sole use of DWP.
The Flexible Support Fund Dynamic Purchasing System 2 - For the Provision of Work Focused Activities (FSF DPS 2) is the replacement for the DWP Dynamic Purchasing System for provision of work-focused activities known as the Flexible Support Fund DPS (FSF DPS). The current FSF DPS will expire on 31st October 2021 and FSF DPS 2 will replace it for new call-offs from 1st November 2021.
The DPS will open for Supplier accreditation applications from 20 September 2021.
The full suite of documentation including specification and specific details relating to the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) can be found on Jaggaer via the following link https://dwp.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.shtml
If you haven't already got a Jaggaer account, you will need to register and create an account. You will be able to find the full suite of documentation on Jaggaer by searching for either the Project Reference (23908), or PQQ Reference (pqq_28872)
Estimated overall value of this DPS will be £250,000,000.00
ADDENDUMS 12/09/2024 - The new regulations will now come into effect on 24 February 2025.
27/08/2024 - The Flexible Support Fund Dynamic Purchasing System 2 (FSF DPS 2) is due to expire September 2025 and as per the 'Transforming Public Procurement - Communication Note' issued on 19 February 2024, the new "Procurement Regulation 2024" will come into effect for any new frameworks / DPS in October 2024.
For DWP to fully understand the implications and implementation of the new Procurement Act Regulations, we have taken the decision to extend the current FSF DPS 2 (per Regulation 34 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 ("PCR 2015"), Regulation 34(28)).
The extension period for the FSF DPS2 will be from 20 September 2025 up to 30 September 2028. However, as per Para 14.2 of the Core Terms, DWP reserve the right to terminate the FSF DPS 2 earlier. It is highly anticipated that this right will be exercised in due course to create a "Dynamic Market" under the new regulations.
DWP will ensure that those suppliers accredited onto the FSF DPS 2 will be given advance notice of any change, but until such time, the FSF DPS 2 will continue to run as normal and any supplier wishing to apply to join, should follow the guidance issued.
Additional information: ADDENDUM 12 SEPTEMBER 2024
The new regulations will now come into effect on 24 February 2025
As per the 'Transforming Public Procurement - Communication Note' issued on 19 February 2024, the new "Procurement Regulation 2024" will come into effect for any new frameworks / DPS in October 2024.
The Flexible Support Fund Dynamic Purchasing System 2 (FSF DPS 2) is due to expire September 2025 and for DWP to fully understand the implications and implementation of the new Procurement Act Regulations, we have taken the decision to extend the current FSF DPS 2 (per Regulation 34 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 ("PCR 2015"), Regulation 34(28)).
The extension period for the FSF DPS2 will be from 20 September 2025 up to 30 September 2028. However, as per Para 14.2 of the Core Terms, DWP reserve the right to terminate the FSF DPS 2 earlier than the 30 September 2028.
It is highly anticipated that this right will be exercised in due course to create a "Dynamic Market" under the new regulations.
DWP will ensure that those suppliers accredited onto the FSF DPS 2 will be given advance notice of any change, but until such time, the FSF DPS 2 will continue to run as normal and any supplier wishing to apply to join, should follow the guidance issued.
As of 1 January 2021, the internationally comparable regional geography for the UK is the International Territorial Levels (ITLs) geography.
This has replaced the Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) geographies for the UK that were operational when the UK was a member of the European Union
The above spreadsheet shows the NUTS Code and the new corresponding ITL Code at Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3
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