79410000: Business and management consultancy services
Detailed information about the contract
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The proposed programme of support (1:1 and 1:many) funded via the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, will continue to build on the work of 3 successful BEIS funded 121 programmes and past ‘Growth Hub Guru’ workshop programmes. It is the Council’s intention to establish a panel of consultants who will deliver 121 specialist support to a wide range of trading businesses from new start ups through to those with growth aspirations. The scheme will run from mid June 2023 to complete by March 2025 The 1:1 consultancy support will be fully funded to participating SME businesses and will aim to support businesses with the delivery of their aspirations through practical support. However, there will be two other support focuses namely increasing business resilience and to support productivity improvements.
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