85100000: Health services
Detailed information about the contract
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NHS England (London), hereafter referred to as “the Authority”, is seeking to commission the NHS Breast Screening Programme London (“the Services”).
The contract term will be 5 years with the option to extend for a further 2 years at the sole discretion of the Authority.
The contract will start on 01/04/2026 and end 31/03/2031, if the optional extension is utilised the contract end date will be 31/03/33.
The procurement will be organised into six Lots. There will be five Clinical Service Lots and one Admin Hub Lot:
Lot 1 = North Central London (NLBSS & CELBSS)
Lot 2 = North East London (ONEBSS)
Lot 3 = North West London (WolBSS)
Lot 4 = South East London (SELBSS)
Lot 5 = South West London (SWLBSS)
Lot 6 = London & West Herts Admin Hub
There will be a tariff model for the clinical services on a cost and volume basis. Payment to the Admin Hub Lot will be on a block basis. Please see the ITT documents on the portal for further information.
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