44000000: Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus)
Detailed information about the contract
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The main purpose of the Contract is to supply CHP with the required materials and associated products so that we can maintain our housing stock of approximately 11,000 properties across Essex and surrounding areas. Our key aims have been identified as: • Effective and efficient service for both delivery and collection • Right first time to complete orders • Maintenance of sufficient stock levels to supply our requirements • Proactive contract and account management • Electronic integration with CHP’s ordering and invoicing system Our requirements have been split into two lots (see below) and it is our intention to award one supplier for each lot, reserving the right to use an alternative supplier if the main supplier is unable to deliver. Suppliers are permitted to bid for multiple lots, and any single supplier may be awarded multiple lots, subject to evaluation. Lot 1 Heating, Boilers and Associated Materials Lot 2 General plumbing and Associated Materials
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