Parking Enforcement Agent

98351110: Parking enforcement services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Parking Enforcement Agent

Soft Market Testing Exercise: The London Borough of Hackney (The Council) is currently undertaking a commissioning programme to determine future delivery options for its Parking Enforcement Agent

The Council would like to understand from leading providers how these requirements might best be met and is, therefore, carrying out a soft market testing exercise to engage in early informal dialogue, before any formal procurement takes place. Organizations that are interested in participating in this exercise are invited to complete the below questionnaire and submit it via the ProContract eTendering Portal. The closing date for written responses is 23:59 on Friday 19th of September 2024.

We require all responses in writing, however, there is an opportunity for a meeting during the three weeks so we can discuss what you can offer and what we are looking for. Meetings can be conducted online or in person If you are interested in a meeting please contact us on the details in this advert. Please note: This is not a call for competition. To clarify, this notice is solely for conducting a soft market testing exercise and does not formally initiate the procurement process or commit Hackney Council to undertake any procurement exercise. Potential bidders will not be disadvantaged by responding or not responding to this soft market testing, nor by their participation or absence from any interviews.

Additional information: This tender will be administered via an e-procurement system called Pro Contract Reference DN740729.

Suppliers must be registered on the system in order to access the documentation. To register as a supplier on Pro Contract please visit the London's Tenders Portal at: click on the 'Suppliers' Area' link to the left. On the right hand side you will see a green 'register' icon, click on this and begin the supplier registration process. Please ensure when registering that you select all the appropriate categories which describe your business/service area as notifications of tender opportunities are directed via these categories. Organizations that are interested in participating in this exercise are invited to complete a questionnaire and submit it via the ProContract eTendering Portal. The closing date for written responses is 23:59 on Friday 19th of September 2024.

London Borough of Hackney
Date Published
98351110: Parking enforcement services
£1.3B GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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