44000000: Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus)
Detailed information about the contract
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Transport for London (TfL), on behalf of the Greater London Authority (GLA), will be commencing a procurement process to appoint a Design and Build contractor for a permanent air handling units (AHUs) access gantry to allow for routine AHU maintenance to take place safely. The gantry will need to be fit for purpose, safe and allow the maintenance team to carry out tasks quickly.
Further details on the requirements will be available in the procurement documents.
Additional information: If you are interested in this tender, please email tobiseriki@tfl.gov.uk to express your interest by 5pm Friday 17 May 2024.
Interested bidders will need to complete Ariba registration, if required, to tender for the opportunity. Upon completion of registration and confirmation that the bidder has been invited to the Sourcing Event in Ariba, the interested bidder will have unrestricted and full access to the procurement documents, free of charge through their dashboard when they login to Ariba at https://service.ariba.com/Supplier.aw (https://service.ariba.com/Supplier.aw). Any additional information can be obtained from the above mentioned address.
Economic operators need to complete and submit a response to the relevant procurement documents by the deadline date set out in these documents.
To register or to check if you are already registered log on to https://service.ariba.com/Supplier.aw (https://service.ariba.com/Supplier.aw). Interested bidders must read the instructions carefully before proceeding with registration and are advised to satisfy themselves that they understand all the requirements of this contract and the procurement exercise before submitting their response.
For help on uploading your responses, please refer to https://support.ariba.com/AdapAribaNetworkSupplierTraining (https://support.ariba.com/Adapt/AribaNetworkSupplierTraining).
If the problem persists please contact AribaSupplierEnablement@tfl.gov.uk
or register for a free account