72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Detailed information about the contract
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NOTICE ONLY The current FCA PKI service utilises multiple processes and manual intervention making the process slow and inefficient. A robust PKI service is crucial for maintaining trust, security, and privacy in digital communications by effectively managing cryptographic keys and certificates. The FCA is seeking to procure a Public Key Infrastructure as a service (PKIaaS) solution to provide central key and certificate management across the FCA estate as well as support end user devices and TLS. There is a requirement to establish ownership for the PKI service to increase transparency and provide accountability. The introduction of a PKIaaS will enable the FCA to move away from a localised PKI. There will be a requirement to rollout a cloud-based PKIaaS with integrated lifecycle management with a dedicated offline root Certificate Authority (CA) with certificate issuing capability. The certificates for public-facing websites will be integrated with PKIaaS and processes for automated certificate management developed. The solution must support integration with Intune, AzureAD Single Sign On, and FCA PAM solution.
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