98000000: Other community, social and personal services
Detailed information about the contract
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Support for families known to our Children's Social Care Teams delivered via a Framework contract with 5 Lots, enabling call-off of specified services as identified by Social Care Teams. Individually commissioned services will wraparound the work undertaken by Social Workers and Personal Advisors, across Safeguarding Teams, Children in Our Care/Care Leavers Teams and the Disabled Children and Young People's Service.
The scope of services does not cover all the services associated with families known to Social Care in RB Greenwich but rather a portion of services that are required to meet the needs identified. We anticipate that the range of organisations will provide more opportunities to achieve individualised support and better outcomes for families with children aged 0-18 years and up to 25 years if known to the Disabled Children and Young People service.
Lot 1: Family Support - Family Support provided in the home and in the community, including support specifically aimed at working with fathers and young men and neurodivergent children and young people.
Lot 2: Supporting Young People - Mentoring & Direct Support for YP aged 10-18 years
Lot 3: Supporting Disabled Children and Young People - Support for Children and Young People with Physical Disabilities, Complex Learning Needs and/or Medicalised Health Needs
Lot 4: Crisis Support - Short term crisis intervention which is flexible and responsive to the needs of the family.
Lot 5: Supervised Contact - Supporting families with supervised contact.
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