85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Worcestershire County Council is looking to appoint a Supplier to deliver the Healthwatch Service across Worcestershire. Service is due to be tendered in June 2024. Anticipated contract term is 3 years with possible 3 year + 3 year extension. Up to £330,000 per annum, £2,970,000 over 9 years. This is for information purposes only and may be subject to change.
The Council aims to work with a provider who can support and shape the health and care system that all people in Worcestershire need. This will involve ensuring the patient and user voice is fully reflected at every level of the system, with Healthwatch being independent in purpose, independent in voice, and independent in action. Healthwatch will play an active role within the Integrated Care System and with the work of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Board.
The provider of this service is to work in the best interests of patients, service users and residents and utilise intelligence gathered to improve overall quality of health and social care provision and outcomes across Worcestershire.
Healthwatch is a statutory service - Local authorities with adult social care responsibilities are required, under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 ('the Act'), to commission a local Healthwatch service covering the local authority area. As part of the Act, the body contracted to be the local Healthwatch must be a 'body corporate' (i.e. a legal entity), which is a social enterprise, employ its own staff and manage its own finances.
The ITT will be will be advertised via Worcestershire's Procurement E portal: In-tend. Please ensure your organisation is registered on In-tend in order for you to view and apply for this opportunity at https://www.in-tendhost.co.uk/worcestershire/aspx/Registration
A full suite of tender documents will be made available at a later date. Please note, approach to market date is currently an estimate. The value stated is estimated and for guidance purposes only. The purpose of this notice is to alert potential suppliers of a possible opportunity that may be of interest and to inform the market of the upcoming opportunity and enable work planning.
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