37412241: Breathing apparatus for diving
Detailed information about the contract
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Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) Salvage and Marine Operations (SALMO) Delivery Team (DT) have a requirement for design, development and testing, manufacture, training, and support of a Multi-Role Rebreather (MRR) diver breathing apparatus to support a range of tasks including long endurance diving operations.
The introduction of new underwater mobility assets has highlighted limitations of current in-service underwater breathing apparatus that were not procured to support current or emerging capability, and other associated dive tasks.
The Authority requires a UK Prime supplier to deliver this requirement. The following is provided for information.
High-level system parameters:
Additional information This PIN serves to inform potential suppliers of the intention to engage with Industry whereby supplier representatives will be invited to attend individual meetings with the Authority. At the meeting they will have the opportunity to present on their capacity and capability to deliver the requirement discussed above. More information to help with preparation for the meeting will be shared with those who respond to register their interest. If you are interested in attending, please submit expressions of interest to desshipscomrcl-salmo-multiuser@mod.gov.uk by Friday 17th January 2025. Specific time slots will be arranged directly with respondents via email.
Tentative dates (subject to change): Industry Day 4th - 13th February 2025
This notice is not a call for competition. Non-participation in the Industry Day will not exclude you from any possible future competition for this requirement.
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