64120000: Courier services
Detailed information about the contract
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Hackney Council is currently seeking authorisation to start procurement of a courier(s) to run a sustainable last mile logistics hub in a section of the outdoor Bentley Road Car Park, which is itself part of a wider conversion of a portion of the site into a car pound. In the meantime, we are carrying out market engagement to gauge the level of interest, courier needs and better share our requirements if authorised to proceed.
Additional information: This market engagement questionnaire will be administered via an e-procurement system called Pro Contract, reference number: DN724958. Suppliers must be registered on the system in order to access the documentation. To register as a supplier on Pro Contract please visit the London's Tenders Portal at:https://www.londontenders.org/ click on the 'Suppliers' Area' link to the left. On the right hand side you will see a green 'register' icon, click on this and begin the supplier registration process. Please ensure when registering that you select all the appropriate categories which describe your business/service area as notifications of tender opportunities are directed via these categories.
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