98341100: Accommodation management services
Detailed information about the contract
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The management and delivery of a homeless Hub with accommodation to:
Provide safe, secure 24/7 supported accommodation for rough sleepers to ensure no-second night out. Provide an environment where agencies can be available to support individuals without the need for an appointment (often a barrier to engagement). Provide access to DWP, CAB, RSI officers, housing providers, probation, adult social care - see stakeholder list for full details. Develop relationships / trust for ongoing referrals for support, advice, medical appointments, developing paths to move on into non-emergency accommodation to continue the support. Offer showers and a laundry, a place to be clean and warm. Include security so that individuals who would not be accommodated elsewhere can be supported. Offer advice and support to overcome financial problems, secure job opportunities, and sustain tenancies and local affordable homes. Ideally having a cafe so there is an informal meeting place / welcoming environment. Ideally developing workshops / gardening to develop day time activities.
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