34144900: Electric vehicles
Detailed information about the contract
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Kirklees Council are undertaking a programme (Kirklees Innovative EV Programme) through City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements (CRSTS) funding with two core elements:
(1) A trial of innovative on-street residential EV charge point solutions, attentive to the contextual challenges of such infrastructure provision in Kirklees (e.g. terraced housing and lack of council land/highway space for provision). (2) A community-based electric vehicle car club-style trial for residents and businesses to address barriers to adoption, enabling behavioural change and facilitating EV transition.
The whole programme is approximately £3m. We are unable to determine yet the proportion of each element.
This pre-market engagement focuses upon the second part of the programme. It seeks to gain logistical understandings of potential operation from Car-Club operators, as well as indicative cost estimates. Kirklees Council is seeking market input from potential suppliers to gauge the logistical ability and estimated cost for operating an Electric Vehicle Trial across Kirklees. It is envisaged that this will take a community-based 'car club' on-street model over a fixed one-year period commencing late Summer 2025 and must include electric LGVs for business trials in the region.
Please note that Kirklees Council are not asking for commercial details or offers at this stage, we are only seeking your thoughts and comments to help shape our solution.
If this is something you would be interested in, you can find participating details of the market engagement on YorTender https://yortender.eu-supply.com (https://yortender.eu-supply.com) this includes a schedule of questions and a detailed explanation of our requirements. Closing date for this Market Engagement is 17:00 on 7th February 2025
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