79212000: Auditing services
Detailed information about the contract
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The University of Southampton requires the external audit and certification of financial claim submissions to its research grant funders. The average number of these audits required per annum is approximately 40-50 in total for all funders but will vary between financial years. It is not expected for the number of audits to exceed 60 in a year. The University is looking to engage with the market to discuss a variety of topics relating to grant audit services via a 1-hour Teams meeting during the week commencing 24th January 2022 with those that register their interest. Depending on the level of interest, the University may not be able to speak to all that register. To access the relevant documentation, register your interest and select your preferred timeslot, you will need to register on the University's electronic procurement portal In-Tend to manage this soft market engagement exercise which can be found at https://in-tendhost.co.uk/universityofsouthampton This is NOT a call for competition.
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