Framework Agreement for Supported Living Services for Adults with Mental Health Needs

85320000: Social services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Framework Agreement for Supported Living Services for Adults with Mental Health Needs

Swansea Council has published this Prior Information Notice (PIN) to inform organisations of its intentions in respect of supported living services for adults with mental health needs. The Council is working in partnership with the Swansea Bay University Health Board with the intention of establishing a Framework Agreement for providers with the capacity and expertise to deliver care and support to people with mental health needs. There will be two Lots on the Framework Agreement:- 1) The first will be for service providers who can effectively operate supported living projects at designated properties. The Framework Agreement will facilitate the award of a block contract for each project. The aim of these projects will be to help people to recover and live independent lives, but it will primarily be achieved via the provision of ‘support’ as opposed to ‘care’. Please note that successful providers will be expected to have the capability to undertake some care tasks, particularly around medication management and compliance, as and when this is required. 2) The second Lot will be used to commission services for people with greater care needs. The Framework will enable the Partners to commission individual packages of care and support for people living in their own home or shared housing. Every individual has different needs and the service should build on their unique strengths. However, the service provider must have the capacity to undertake personal care tasks where this is required and may, in some cases, be expected to keep people safe by enforcing the conditions of a lawful deprivation and or a Community Treatment or Guardianship Order. Prospective providers do not necessarily need to have sourced accommodation to be on the Framework Agreement, but they will need to share the view of the Council and Health Board that:

  • people should be able to have access to modern supported living services that enable them to lead fulfilled and independent lives;
  • people prefer to be less, rather than more, dependent;
  • services should be outcome-focused;
  • services should be delivered in a manner which is planned and pro-active, and ensure recovery is not forgotten or displaced;
  • people should be central to how they receive services as they are more likely to progress when it is something that they have chosen to do and something that matters to them; and
  • it is necessary for people to take proportionate risks if they are to progress. Supported living is not a prescriptive model which means services can look quite different in their appearance. The Council is open to consider innovative models.
City & County of Swansea
Date Published
85320000: Social services
£80.0M GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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