79100000: Legal services
Detailed information about the contract
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Crown Commercial Service (CCS) as the Authority intends to put in place a Public Sector Agreement for the provision of Legal Services for use primarily by the Wider Public Sector / UK public sector bodies. The proposed commercial vehicle(s) will include a comprehensive list of legal specialisms, including but not limited to the following which may change as a result of further market engagement: Commercial Contracts Law Property Construction and Real Estate Dispute Resolution and Litigation Employment Law PFI/PPP Projects Public Procurement Law Costs Lawyer Services Health, Healthcare and Social Care Transport Education The agreement will replace and bring together specialisms currently available under live agreements: RM6240 Public Sector Legal Services RM6284 Costs Lawyer Services 2 The lotting structure of this framework will be determined as a result of the market engagement. Further information is included in the Additional Information section VI.3.
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