80400000: Adult and other education services
Detailed information about the contract
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Staffordshire County Council is engaging with the market to better understand the interest and capacity the market has in providing the Services (in their entirety or specific elements or a proportion of specific elements). You are required to express your organisation's initial interest in the project by completing the Expression of Interest by no later than Friday 7th February 2025 if possible. The Expression of Interest form can be found by selecting the link below: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=TdGsJLuS1kS7qO2z0DgTzVCKa5ZYLYFCsGp-gov_n8VURDNQNEU3WjJCU0oyRVVEMlpGUTlDRjFDVi4u The PIN notice informs relevant economic operators, that the Council is seeking to undertake market engagement to inform their procurement for the delivery of the Connect to Work programme in Staffordshire.
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