72200000: Software programming and consultancy services
Detailed information about the contract
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NHSX are conducting market engagement with interested suppliers to investigate the current market capabilities to develop possible solutions to shape the digital technology solutions available to Community Healthcare Services as part of NHSX's digital Pharmacy, Optometry, Dentistry, Ambulance and Community (PODAC) programme. For clarity this Market Engagement exercise is for Community healthcare services only. Please see below links to other PODAC Notices. https://www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Notice/031580-2021?origin=SearchResults&p=1 https://www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Notice/030924-2021?origin=SearchResults&p=1 https://www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Notice/030974-2021?origin=SearchResults&p=1 Interested suppliers of digital products are invited to complete a questionnaire which has been designed to develop an understanding of the current maturity of suppliers in the market and the ability to meet the digital PODAC capabilities. The questionnaire and further detail on the digital PODAC capabilities are available via the Intend e-procurement system. This engagement is an information gathering exercise only. It will help inform the PODAC commercial strategy and any possible future procurement process and is not a procurement exercise in itself.
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