73000000: Research and development services and related consultancy services
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Market Engagement:
Defra is developing a specification, to evaluate the Natural Capital Ecosystem Assessment programme (NCEA). This requirement is planned to be advertised in early 2023. The service is expected to be required up until approximately April 2025. Defra is holding market engagement events in the form of Microsoft Teams calls, to understand market capabilities and capacities for the requirement. NCEA staff will provide a short overview of the requirement and the NCEA Programme, and then open the floor to suppliers to provide feedback and ask questions.
If you wish to attend or have any queries about the event please contact laura.hoile@defra.gov.uk who will register your space and provide you with the MS teams link for the sessions:
Session 1: 31 Jan 15:30 – 17:00
Session 2: Monday 6 Feb 15:00 – 16:30
The procurement strategy and route to market is subject to change and market research, and Defra will start planning this after Session 2.
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