45000000: Construction work
Detailed information about the contract
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City of Wolverhampton Council (“CWC” / “Council”) seeks to design and develop a new modern and integrated Health and Wellbeing Facility (H&WF), associated public realm and parking, upgrades to the existing Bert Turner Boulevard and enhancements of the existing Bert Williams car park (“Project”). The Project is to be developed on the Council owned Site in Bilston, situated adjacent to and encompassing parts of the WV Active Bert Williams leisure centre, Bilston Urban Village medical centre and the Bert Turner Boulevard (“Site”). The Site is located some three miles south-east from the centre of the City of Wolverhampton (“City”). The Project consists of circa 3,000 sqm H&WF for the delivery of primary, community, mental health, and social care services. The Project forms part of the wider Bilston Health and Regeneration Programme (“HaRP”). An Outline Planning Application (“OPA”) has been approved by the LPA and can be viewed on the Councils planning portal under application reference 23/00767/OUT ( http://planningonline.wolverhampton.gov.uk/online-applications/ ). The Council have appointed a project design team to commence addressing planning conditions and to prepare technical design and specification information to form part of the main contractor tender pack.
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