63100000: Cargo handling and storage services
Detailed information about the contract
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Network Rail’s short rail supplied from EU suppliers is currently stored at various locations in Central England. Long rail (91.44m+) stock is held at Eastleigh and Scunthorpe for production purposes, and 54m lengths are stored at Marchwood and Immingham ports. However, this stock is at risk of corrosion, and access is limited and dictated by other port activity. We are therefore exploring the options for long term storage to consolidate and manage our inventory to achieve better value for money and to improve supply resilience by having more control over quality and distribution. Network Rail intends to issue a call for competition for requirements mid 2024, with an intention to award contract(s) late Autumn/Winter 2024. It is envisaged the requirement will last for 5 years with options to extend to 8 years in total.
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