Provision of Complex Move-on Services

98000000: Other community, social and personal services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Provision of Complex Move-on Services

The MoJ would like to assess the market interest and capability of delivering rehabilitative and public protection services alongside accommodation / residential provision to support the most complex and high risk people on probation. These can be released from prison, mental health facilities or moving on from other MOJ community accommodation provision and will be subject to either a community sentences or prison licence. This provision shall compliment HMPPS Approved Premises (AP) and on occasions provide services as a direct alternative as well as being a primary move on service. The service will need to be stood up by April 2025 (or earlier if dual running to support transition is required) and will run for a term of at least 3 years with the possibility of further extension. It will provide wrap around services and accommodation for approximately 250 - 300 people on probation at any one time (full terms to be released at a later stage). This service will deliver a national provision of move on accommodation and support services for persons with complex needs and high-risk cases, whether this is for individuals as part of a restrictive community sentence, moving on from Approved Premises or directly on release from custody. It is essential the provider has the capacity and the ability to engage directly with a wide range of Criminal Justice stakeholders, supports Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) and contribute to Probation Service sentence management, enforcement and recall. The provider of the service shall deliver a range of rehabilitative interventions to help reduce re-offending and to manage the risk of harm and self-harm whilst supporting the person social skills and their ability to live independently. The provider shall accept referrals for this service to accommodate and support the most complex, high-risk cases that may be unsuitable for the other accommodation services available to the MoJ. Any placement will not be time specified as this will be determined by move on needs/planning. The funding of this service; The funding provided as part of this contract is to supplement the additional wrap around support, risk management and public protection services required for this cohort. The MoJ requires the availability and the use of approximately 250 – 300 national bed spaces but would not require exclusive possession of accommodation places that are available to the Provider. The Provider may benefit from securing funding from other sources which includes but is not limited to; benefit recovery, local authority funding, NHS community care and any other potential income streams that are available.

Ministry of Justice
Date Published
98000000: Other community, social and personal services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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