Sexual Health Services

85000000: Health and social work services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Sexual Health Services

Leicestershire and Rutland County Councils (the Authorities) are seeking suitably qualified providers to participate in a soft market testing exercise relating to the delivery of Sexual Health Services across Leicestershire and Rutland. The purpose of this soft market testing exercise is to determine the level of interest in the marketplace for the delivery of Sexual Health Services across Leicestershire and Rutland. This includes, (1) Integrated Sexual Health Clinical Services, (2) Community Based Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Services, (3) Community Based Emergency Hormonal Contraception Services and (4) Online Sexual Health Services. The current contracts for these services end 31 March 2024. New services are required to commence 01 April 2024. Further information on our planned approach can be found in the Dec 2022 cabinet papers. We would like to hear from existing, as well as new providers, to inform our future commissioning intentions and the development/refinement of the service specification. This exercise is not a formal tendering process. Participation in this exercise is completely voluntary and submitting, or not submitting a response, would not preclude you from any further procurement activity. The Authorities are seeking written responses to the Questionnaire (there is no obligation to answer all the questions; and no scoring will take place). Following the submission of the questionnaire and upon consideration of the responses, the Authorities may wish to invite providers to attend a follow up meeting to discuss your responses. Attendance is not in any way mandatory but a face-to-face discussion would assist the Authorities in determining future commissioning and procurement intentions. To express your interest and obtain the Questionnaire to complete, you will need to log onto the EastMidsTenders portal ( Please note, if you are not a registered user of this portal, you will need to register your organisation details first. Once logged in, you will be able to express an interest and download the questionnaire. If you encounter any issues or require further assistance, please contact Proactis Technical Support Team via email, This will auto-log you a support ticket in the PROACTIS Supplier Support Helpdesk, You will receive email notifications regarding your expression of interest or other important actions on the system. Email alerts may be blocked by your SPAM filter. Please ensure that emails from the domain “” are excluded from the SPAM filter “blocked addresses”.

Leicestershire County Council
Date Published
85000000: Health and social work services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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