All Age Integrated Health and Well-being Service (IHWS)

85000000: Health and social work services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

All Age Integrated Health and Well-being Service (IHWS)

The council would like to share upcoming plans to establish a light touch 'pseudo' Dynamic Purchasing Service (p-DPS) for an All-Age Integrated Health & Wellbeing Service (IHWS). The p-DPS will be open to local authorities and health partners across the North East London STP footprint and will comprise four separate Categories:

  1. Specialist Smoking Cessation Service
  2. Specialist Tier 2 Weight Management and Movement Service
  3. Community-Based Projects for Health & Wellbeing
  4. Addressing Resource Inequality It is intended the service will be procured this financial year with an estimated contract start date of 1st December 2022. This is not an invitation to tender.
    Newham's Health and Wellbeing Strategy, 50 Steps to a Healthier Borough, outlines the ambition of the Council and NHS to deliver a paradigm shift in the health of residents. Delivering against this ambition will require a plan that enables residents to change behaviours and make healthier choices while also addressing resource inequities. The approach is characterised by the expression 'one size does not fit all', reflecting insight gathered through co-design with residents where factors such as choice, motivation, culture, community and resource inequity are highlighted as significant issues in changing behaviours and habits.
    Central to the IHWS is the importance of understanding and addressing the inter-connection between children, families and adults. Focusing on children or adults in isolation is unlikely to deliver the required improvement in outcomes required, because positive behaviour change at an individual-level can be helped or hindered through the family environment. The p-DPS aims to strike an important balance between ensuring there is specialist resource available while also harnessing the power of the community, voluntary and faith sector. This will be implemented through the Council's in-house Well Newham Hub: a new 'single point of access' vehicle for developing pathways to and from the services within the IHWS. The Council intends to take a staged approach to establishing the p-DPS and running mini-competitions. Details and timings are TBC, but broadly this will involve prioritising the p-DPS 'on boarding' process and subsequent mini competitions for Categories 1 and 2. Some services within Category 3 will also be prioritised for mini competition ASAP after establishing the p-DPS (i.e. cooking classes, volunteer schemes and stroke prevention/support). The aim is to commence the first tranche of contracts within the p-DPS from December 2022. Contract lengths may vary, but initial contract terms of 3+2 years are envisaged for providers of services within Categories 1 and 2.
    A more detailed timeline for the staged procurement process is in development and will be published to the market in due course.
Date Published
85000000: Health and social work services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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