85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Description Bracknell Forest Council is looking to commission a contract to deliver the following Sensory Needs Services: Specialist Assessment Services and Communication and Guiding Services. The tender is due to open in March 2022, with a contract start date of November 1st, 2022. We would like to invite suitably qualified and experienced providers of sensory needs services to a market engagement event to discuss our vision for this new service, hear your views on our proposed model, and outline the likely tender process and timelines. The event will be held via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday, February 8th, 2021, at 1.30 pm, ending at 3.30 pm. Total Quantity or Scope Organisations interested in attending the event should register their interest on the South East Business Portal to confirm their attendance, by 4th February 2022. Please ensure all attendee email addresses are included in the email. All information pertaining to this PIN is published on the South East Business Portal (SEBP) https://sebp.due-north.com/ This is not a call to competition
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