F11602 Childrens Complex Domiliary Care RFI

85100000: Health services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

F11602 Childrens Complex Domiliary Care RFI

Hampshire Commissioners and their partner stakeholders have drafted a strategic Market Position Statement (MPS) to share with providers, to develop creative solutions to support children with complex care needs in their own home. The document is expected to develop further via market engagement and this notice is the start of that process. To this end, Commissioners seek feedback on both the MPS and initial proposals that are being cited as possible contract models(s) to put out to Tender later in the year. Interested parties are invited to participate in a simple Request for Information (RFI) process to help Commissioners gather this market intelligence. The current schedule (subject to change) is: 3 February 2021 Publish MPS & RFI on Portal
2 March 2021 Closing Date for RFI received via the Portal End March 2021 Revise MPS and draft service specifications Early April 2021 Conduct further soft market testing if required This is not the beginning of a Tender exercise, nor is it a firm commitment to Tender for these requirements. Your feedback at this point will not have a bearing on any future Tender submissions you may wish to offer at a later date. You will not be disadvantaged if you choose not to respond to this process but it will be helpful to understand your views at this stage, so you are encouraged to respond. Completed responses are requested to be returned via portal message by Midday on Wednesday 2 March 2021. To view the MPS and take part in the RFI process, plus gain access to all opportunities that are published by Hampshire CCGs, providers should register (for free) on the SoEPS Commissioning eTender portal - https://in-tendhost.co.uk/soepscommissioning If you are already registered, login as usual and go to step 6 below, otherwise:

  1. Click the "Register" link on the left-hand side of the page.
  2. Enter your correct business and user details.
  3. Note the email address chosen and Click "Register My Company" when complete.
  4. You will receive an email with your unique password (keep this secure)
  5. Login to the portal with the username/password; you will be prompted to change your password on first login.
  6. Hover your mouse over the "Tenders" button on the main toolbar and choose 'Current'
  7. Scroll through the opportunities and select 'F11605_RFI'.
  8. Scroll down and click 'View Details' button.
  9. Scroll down and select 'Express an Interest' button (this is purely to open up the next stage to access documents).
  10. Select tab 'F11602_RFI' and scroll down to select 'View'
NHS North Hampshire CCG
Date Published
85100000: Health services
£0.01 GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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