85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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Hampshire County Council intends to publish a tender for Hampshire Mental Health Wellbeing Services on the 21st February 2022. Wellbeing Services provide support for people with a range of mental health issues ranging from prevention and early intervention to maintenance and recovery.
This prior information notice is to inform interested suppliers of the upcoming tender and route to market.
The services will be tendered on the Council's e-tendering portal In-Tend and will be called-off from Hampshire Accommodation Development and Support Options Model (HADSOM) - Care and Support.
HADSOM is a bespoke procurement vehicle procured by Council under the Light Touch Regime - Part 2, Chapter 3 Section 7 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. Suppliers must be accepted onto HADSOM Care and Support in order to bid for the Wellbeing Service contracts. Interested suppliers can enrol to HADSOM Care and Support via In-Tend: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/hampshire/aspx/ProjectManage/10870. The Council aims to evaluate all new applications within 10 working days.
Please note - Suppliers who wish to bid for these contracts as a consortium must apply for and be accepted onto HADSOM Care and Support as a consortium rather than as individual suppliers.
If your organisation is not registered on the Hampshire In-Tend portal, please go to In-Tend system and click on the Register
tab - registration is free: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/hampshire/.
or register for a free account