Peer Mentoring for Individuals with a Substance Dependency - Scotland and Wales

80000000: Education and training services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Peer Mentoring for Individuals with a Substance Dependency - Scotland and Wales

Subject to sufficient market interest, DWP is considering tendering for a new drug and alcohol dependency Peer Mentoring Trial in Scotland (minimum of four (4) peer mentors covering the Glasgow City area) and Wales (minimum of three (3) peer mentors covering Wrexham, Rhyl and Denbighshire). The Trial is already being implemented in the wider London, Portsmouth, Liverpool City and Hull regions. We are holding an information session for interested providers on 8 February 2023. If you would like to attend, please register your interest by email to and include email addresses for your attendees (maximum of two (2) per supplier). Employment makes an important contribution to gaining and sustaining recovery from a substance dependency. However, it can be difficult for Jobcentre Plus to support individuals with an addiction. Individuals are often unwilling to disclose their dependency to Work Coaches due to denial, shame or fear that they may be sanctioned in some way. Other individuals with a dependency may not be engaged with DWP at all. As a result, individuals are not able to receive the help and support they need to overcome their tendency and move towards or in to work. Peer Mentors will work in partnership with Jobcentre Plus staff and use their lived experience to support individuals disclose their dependency, access appropriate support (including treatment, housing and financial services) and move towards employment. Peer Mentor support will include holding a minimum of eight (8) face-to-face sessions with Mentees; conducting a diagnostic interview with Mentees to identify their needs and barriers; producing a SMART action plan for each Mentee; acting as an advocate for recovery and supporting Mentees carry out steps from their action plan such as helping them navigate various services, encouraging them to engage in training or employment opportunities. Providers will be required to demonstrate a track record of engaging with drug and alcohol dependents and treatment services; recruit Peer Mentors with lived experience of drug or alcohol dependency; suitably train Peer Mentors in supporting Mentees with complex needs; implement appropriate structures to manage, supervise and safeguard Peer Mentors and Mentees; deliver the provision in a location which is accessible to customers from the dedicated Jobcentre Plus offices; and raise awareness of the Peer Mentoring Trial through new and existing relationships and networks. Interested providers will need to hold ISO27001 and Cyber Essentials certification and be accredited on the DWP Test and Learn Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) under the Peer Support service line in order to be invited to submit a tender for this opportunity. Please see the link below for more information: DWP Test and Learn Dynamic Purchasing System: guidance for businesses - GOV.UK (

Department for Work and Pensions
Date Published
80000000: Education and training services
£773.2K GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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