Independent Advocacy, Support and Well-Being Service

72253000: Helpdesk and support services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Independent Advocacy, Support and Well-Being Service

Any suppliers interested in delivering the below requirement please express your interest in writing to by the 24th February 2022 at 17:00 To deliver the HS2 project successfully, HS2 Ltd and the Joint Ventures (JV’s) responsible for construction of the railway need to understand and manage the full impact of the project. Our integrated Project teams, and in specific, our integrated Community Engagement teams do this by talking and listening to those affected, as well as working closely with local authorities and elected representatives. Community Engagement is about creating a long-term and trusted two-way conversation with the communities along the line of route, and in which the railway will operate. Good communication is not only about talking and listening; it is also about demonstrating how the views of local people are taken into consideration in the design, construction and operation of the new railway. HS2 Ltd are therefore looking to procure third party services to carry out advocacy, support and well-being services along the entire HS2 route. In the past three years the service has supported over 50 individuals and we expect this number to rise as we continue to build the railway. Support for individuals increased by 109% in the second year of the contract, and service provision has plateaued at around the same level in the third year of the contract. The open cases at the end of each year increased by 140% in the second year and by a further 50% in the third year of the contract. We estimate provision of a service for over 300 individuals throughout the lifespan of this contract. The objective of this contract is to provide support services for members of affected communities who require additional support when engaging with HS2 Ltd. Examples may include when HS2 is seeking information from individuals regarding land ownership, or when HS2 is disseminating complex information to communities about the scheme.

Date Published
72253000: Helpdesk and support services
£498.0K GBP
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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