64200000: Telecommunications services
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NHS England seeks to alert existing and potential providers of its intention to establish a new Cloud Telephony Framework, which will operate under the existing Digital Care Services Catalogue. This notice is to inform interested Suppliers that the national strategy is to set in place a new framework for General Practice. It is anticipated that commissioners of primary care services and other health and social organisations will utilise the Framework. The framework will include standards and capabilities developed specifically for Cloud-Based Telephony solutions under the Digital Care Services Catalogue. Placing the new framework within Digital Care Services Catalogue will support NHS England's ambition to have a sole procurement route for primary care, which will provide a set of centrally understood standards. Suppliers will be required to meet the requirements of the Standards and Capabilities model as set out in the Digital Care Services Catalogue Agreement. Please see the previous published Prior Information Notice relating to this Framework. https://www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Notice/030470-2021?origin=SearchResults&p=1 Interested suppliers will be required to register their interest via the e-procurement portal Atamis - https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome. Suppliers should note that any future competitions or opportunities will not be directly linked to this notice. Should you wish to talk to us regarding this notice please contact the Hub through the below email commercial.procurementhub@nhs.net
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