80000000: Education and training services
Detailed information about the contract
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Hampshire County Council (HCC) is releasing this Prior Information Notice (PIN) on behalf of Hampshire Constabulary (HC) to advise the market of intentions to put in place a contract for the provision of Approved Equality and Inclusion training for Police and staff. This PIN is also to signal an intention to engage with the market to gauge interest and identify suitable routes to market. The HC Equality and Inclusion department are keen to engage with suppliers who have relevant experience and capacity to deliver a comprehensive programme of Equality and Inclusion (E & I) education, accreditation and training for all Hampshire Constabulary (HC) staff. This will include all police staff and police officers. Please see the following for further information of Hampshire Constabulary www.hampshire.police.uk The engagement process may involve questionnaires, request for information and possibly one-to-one meetings with interested parties (via Teams if required). All meetings shall adhere to Governmental advice in respect of Covid-19. If you are interested in this market engagement, please attach yourself to the project via the In-tend system at https://in-tendhost.co.uk/hampshire/ project ref HC16208. The deadline for interest is 1st March 2021. Registration and completion of any pre engagement questionnaire does not constitute an expression of interest in any future tender. Responses will not be used to evaluate your company, create a short-list or guarantee inclusion or exclusion in any resulting tender exercise. If your organisation is not registered on the Hampshire In-tend portal, please go to the website stated above and click on the 'Register' tab - registration is free. Logging into In-Tend (once registered)
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We anticipate making further information and documentation available via In-Tend w/c 15th February 2021.or register for a free account