85000000: Health and social work services
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Independent Fostering Agency – Approved Provider List Opportunity Central Bedfordshire Council, Bedford Borough Council and Luton Council as strategic partners, will be opening up an opportunity for IFA’s to join their Approved Provider List (APL) when this is recommissioned in 2045/25 and be part of a committed and trusted suite of providers that offer homes to our looked after children. We are looking to invite applications in Autumn of 2024 and are currently in the process of consulting internal stakeholders, agencies and children on a remodelled specification. We would like to invite interested providers to a virtual Provider Engagement Event on Tuesday 19th March at 2pm – 3pm. Agenda • Needs across the area • Sharing of the draft specification for comment or feedback • Opportunity for providers to give their views, feedback and to ask questions around joining an Approved Provider List Please contact Shelley Cummings at shelley.cummings@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk to confirm your attendance or with any queries. An MS Teams link will be forwarded to all those who confirm attendance.
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