85312110: Child daycare services
Detailed information about the contract
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The Council has established a Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Childcare in line with the Light Touch Regime and Public Contract Regulations 2015 schedule 3. This contract notice is to advise providers the first round of applications to join the DPS has been completed and new childcare providers can join this arrangement at any time for the validity period of the Dynamic Purchasing System. The Council is looking to engage with suitably experienced and qualified childcare providers to provide Lot 1 - Early Years Lot 2 - Flying Start Lot 3 - Assisted Places and Supported Places Suitably qualified childcare providers are able to tender for one or more lots. This DPS shall replace an existing arrangement for the provision of Childcare PS1609/17/HS, which is due to expire on the 31 March 2023. Service Providers currently awarded to the existing arrangement (PS1609) must apply to join the new DPS arrangement. The existing arrangement shall be terminated when all service providers have joined the new DPS arrangement, which must happen prior to the 31 March 2023 when the existing arrangement shall naturally come to an end. The Council reserves the right to terminate the existing arrangement end date at its own discretion. Service providers who have not successfully joined this DPS arrangement by such a time will not be utilised by the Council until they have successfully joined the DPS for the provision of childcare (DPS1003584). For the purpose of this arrangement, the term ‘childcare provision’ will be used for the non-maintained sector including Playgroups, Cylchoedd Meithrin, Day Nurseries, Childminders, Out of School provision in both Welsh medium and English medium, including Wrap around, before and after school provision. Service Providers who satisfy the criteria to their application to join this arrangement shall be subject to relevant inspection methods depending on the area of work as set out in the ITT and by Early Years Officers. All costs and charges are set by the Council. All lots are subject to the Council successfully attaining grants and ongoing levels of funding each year. Early Years shall inform Service Providers the ongoing costs and charges at the being of the financial year. The validity of the DPS is from the 01 February 2023 to 31 January 2029 with the option to extend for up to a further period of forty-eight (48) months Full details are provided within the initiation to tender (ITT) documentation
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