77300000: Horticultural services
Detailed information about the contract
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West Berkshire Council will be issuing an Invitation to Tender to procure a provider to undertake grounds maintenance of parks and open spaces within West Berkshire. In advance of this, a 'Meet the Buyer' event will be held on Wednesday 16th February 2022 at 11:15am over the Zoom platform. The link and password to join the event are below: https://westberks-gov-uk.zoom.us/j/84882557188?pwd=ZXhORFVpclBRV3hKU1JUUVdlbk0ydz09 Meeting ID: 848 8255 7188 Passcode: 648643 The initial 5 year contract will cover many areas, such as public open spaces, highway verges, schools and other Council-owned properties around West Berkshire. There will be a questionnaire available in due course which prospective suppliers
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