Provision of Acute, PICU and Stepdown Beds

85100000: Health services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Provision of Acute, PICU and Stepdown Beds

This prior information notice (PIN) seeks expressions of interest, from providers for the following:Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust are looking to set up a number of contracts related to the procurement of Adult Mental Health bed provision for Sheffield Residents. This is proposed to be made up of 4 lots and we would be looking for local providers to the Sheffield region. Lot 1 – Contract for 6 Mental Health Acute mixed sex inpatient beds – Duration 12 months plusLot 2 – Contract for 3 Mental Health PICU female inpatient beds – Duration 12 months plus Lot 3 – Spot Purchase Contract for Acute and PICU Mental Health Beds – Duration 3-5 years Provision to provide high quality holistic care in a safe and therapeutic setting for service users in the most acute and vulnerable state of their illness and who cannot be managed at home with the involvement of community services. This will be provided in collaboration with service user, carers, statutory and non-statutory organisations in order to ensure that admissions and inpatient treatment is timely and appropriate in providing a safe space to promote recovery from a mental health crisis. The services would be expected to provide short-term assessment, treatment and care, and work to integrate patients into the community. A multidisciplinary team approach would be expected to be followed, with staff working closely with community mental health teams, the home treatment team and other services. All services should include person-centred assessment, evidence-based interventions, support for carers and planned transfer of care to community services.Lot 4 – Spot Purchase Contract for Step up / Step Down Mental Health Beds – Duration 3-5 years Provision to provide short term accommodation for patients who are well enough to be discharged from acute in-patient services but are currently unable to return to accommodation in the community or for patients who would benefit from a period away from their normal accommodation to prevent hospital admission. Patients in these beds will be supported as necessary by community mental health services. The purpose is to relieve pressures on acute in-patient beds and provide care closer to home in the least restrictive way possible. Step down provision to inpatient ward discharge for patients who require a short period of support prior to returning home or who are waiting for a support package/ future placement from social services or CHC but no longer require an acute mental health ward. Step up provision for patients who require a short term supported environment due to a crisis or deterioration in their mental health but who do not require an admission to an acute mental health inpatient ward.All communication and to express an interest go to

Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust
Date Published
85100000: Health services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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