Grounds Maintenance and Tree Surgery Contract 2024

77314000: Grounds maintenance services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

Grounds Maintenance and Tree Surgery Contract 2024

Northern Ireland Housing Executive is responsible for the maintenance of 1453ha of ‘soft’ open space comprising circa 1197ha of grass, 134ha of planted area, 108km of hedges, 130,000 trees and 122ha of ‘hard’ areas (incl. tarmac, concrete, pavior and cobbles). The NIHE Grounds Maintenance function is a Regional based Client service providing a comprehensive Grounds Maintenance service to the Area Offices in each of the 3 Regions (North, South, and Belfast). The Housing Executive intends to advertise lot contracts in April 2023 with a view to the award of Contracts by winter of 2023 with a Contract start date of 1st February 2024 in order to continue to deliver it’s (business as usual) Grounds Maintenance and Tree Surgery service.
The areas covered and approx. annual Grounds Maintenance value of each Lot is as follows: Lot 1 - Belfast (North, West (Shankill) & Dairyfarm) - £2.2M Lot 2 - Belfast (South & East / Lisburn & Castlereagh) - £2M Lot 3 - North (East Area) - £1.2M Lot 4 - South (North Down & Ards / South Down) - £1.2M Lot 5 - South (South Area) - £1.1M Lot 6 - South (South West Area & Mid Ulster) - £1.1M The areas covered and approx. annual Tree Surgery value of each Lot is as follows: Lot 7 - Belfast Tree Surgery - £420k Lot 8 - South Area/Ards & North Down/South Down Tree Surgery - £395k Lot 9 - Mid Ulster/South West Tree Surgery - £395k Lot 10 - West Area/Causeway Tree Surgery - £180k Lot 11 - East Antrim/South Antrim Tree Surgery - £210k The actual value for each Lot shall be subject to the reactive nature of the service. It is proposed that the contract period will be 2 years with an option to extend for a further period(s) of up to 2 years however this is subject to change at the Contracting Authorities discretion. The Tender will be advertised using the Open Procedure. Each lot will be awarded to the most economically advantageous tender with an assessment on social value (minimum 10%) additional quality criteria and price. The successful Economic Operators will be required to provide those social value requirements identified as mandatory from 1st September 2021, as per Procurement Policy Note 01/21 - Scoring Social Value. In order to inform the market of the upcoming opportunities, NIHE will host a Meet the Buyer event on Wednesday 22nd February 2023 at 14.00. The event will be conducted online via the WebEx portal. If you wish to attend this event please confirm your attendance by email to The Tender will be advertised using the Open Procedure. Each lot will be awarded to the most economically advantageous tender with an assessment on social value (minimum 10%) additional quality criteria and price. The successful Economic Operators will be required to provide those social value requirements identified as mandatory from 1st September 2021, as per Procurement Policy Note 01/21 - Scoring Social Value. In order to inform the market of the upcoming opportunities, NIHE will host a Meet the Buyer event on Wednesday 22nd February 2023 at 14.00. The event will be conducted online via the WebEx portal. If you wish to attend this event please confirm your attendance by email to no later than 5pm on Wednesday 15th February 2023. Any economic operator who wishes to attend the event must complete the request for information which will be issued with the event invitation. The information gathered will be used to assess the best approach for the tendering and awarding of the new contracts and assure best value for money across the regions. All information contained within this PIN such as, the above tender strategy, indicative date of publication of the contract notice, and scope of works is subject to change at the contracting authority’s absolute discretion following feedback obtained from the meet the buyer event and request for information exercise.

Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Date Published
77314000: Grounds maintenance services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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