42961100: Access control system
Detailed information about the contract
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Prior Information Notice (without Call for Competition);The Authority has a requirement for Replacement, Upgrade, Planned Preventative Maintenance & Reactive Maintenance to Custody/Non-Custody systems within Custody, including the following elements: a. Cell Call Systems b. Affray Alarms c. CCTV Systems d. Ancillary Equipment including: i) Door alarms ii) Gate release buttons (entry and exit airlocks) iii) Break glass buttons e. Cell Call Monitoring System (Genesys II) The Contractor will be expected to provide a cost efficient, quality driven service to undertake all periodic planned maintenance & call-outs for system failures, together with installations of new equipment related to the above elements. Call-outs will require a four-hour response for attendance on site, with the fault being fixed in no more than 48 hours after call-out. The Contractor will also be required to facilitate mass downloads of evidential CCTV data when required & appropriately authorised.
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