45000000: Construction work
Detailed information about the contract
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East Suffolk Council is intending to set up a Dynamic Purchasing System to run tenders resulting from the Lowestoft Town Investment Plan, which sets out ambitious plans for future development and investment in Lowestoft over the next 10 years. It is intended that the scope of the DPS will cover architectural and design services, specialist services relating to works (such as Quantity Surveyors), surveys and studies, consultancy and works contracts. Pre-qualified providers will be able to see all advertised projects in a lot and can decide whether to submit a tender response. Projects on all lots are anticipated to be of varying sizes to provide work for large and small, local and national providers simultaneously.Interested potential providers are invited to join a market engagement event on Thursday 17 March 2022 at 10am via Microsoft Teams by emailing procurement@eastsuffolk.gov.uk and requesting an invite.
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