Newport Roman Villa Soft Market Testing

92000000: Recreational, cultural and sporting services

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Newport Roman Villa Soft Market Testing

Newport Roman Villa was discovered in 1926 on the Isle of Wight and is frequently quoted as being ‘the finest surviving Roman bath suite in southern England’. The well-preserved remains are of a late Romano-British farmhouse built around 270 AD. Newport Roman Villa is a Scheduled Ancient Monument this gives the site legal protection and ensures that any works must be approved by Historic England. The villa was opened to visitors in 1929 and given by the Millgate family into the custody of the Isle of Wight County Council in 1961. In 1981 Newport Roman Villa was improved and extended to include a small museum an activity room and a Roman garden. The site is open to the public from Easter to September. It is accessible to school parties and groups throughout the year by appointment and opens in October and February half terms to host family activity days. The site receives on average 5,000 visitors per annum. Newport Roman Villa is popular with local and mainland schools welcoming 700 children yearly. The site hosts 10 inclusive community days each year, which are family friendly and low cost. In 2019/20 the Villa welcomed 1,900 visitors to these events. The council is seeking to engage the market to determine whether a future procurement exercise is viable and to identify options for the future management and operation, to include the feasibility of extending the facility to maximise user numbers and engagement. It is essential that an interested partner is able to demonstrate a successful track record in the management and development of similar heritage/cultural facilities. The council is keen to explore the market’s ability and preferences to offer innovative solutions and support the delivery of the following objectives: - • External management and operation of the Roman Villa at no cost to the council • Maintain museum accreditation with a demonstrable commitment to continuous improvement • Maintain the facility for public benefit while enhancing its national and international profile • Maintain trusted and positive relationships with local collectors • Improve the Roman Villa’s value and use as an educational resource, increasing annual numbers form visiting schools • Maintain the Roman Villa accredited status ensuring it is profitable and fit for purpose facility • Care for the physical fabric of the Villa, implement a continual programme of maintenance to ensure that it does not degrade • Increase facility usage numbers as well as visitors to Newport The soft market test is intended to allow interested organisations with appropriate experience to outline their views and provide information with no commitment to themselves or the council. It is not part of a formal procurement process and the council is not committed to carrying out such a process. The soft market test will provide an opportunity for interested parties to have a time limited meeting with council officers if they so wish. Dialogue at this stage will be limited to information that is currently available within the public domain. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to share any confidential information at this stage. Viewings will be available upon request. The deadline for responses in 28 May 2021 at 12:00.

Isle of Wight Council
Date Published
92000000: Recreational, cultural and sporting services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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