North West Prisons Services Request for information (RFI)

85000000: Health and social work services

Contract details

Detailed information about the contract

NHSE588, NHSE453 and NHSE822
North West Prisons Services Request for information (RFI)

North of England Commissioning Support is working for and on behalf of NHS England North West (the Contracting Authority) to carry out market engagement for the following: • NHSE588 Health and Social Care Services for HMP Preston, HMP Kirkham, HMP Lancaster Farms, HMP Risley and HMP Thorn Cross • NHSE453 Mental Health Services for HMP Preston, HMP Kirkham and HMP Lancaster Farms • NHSE822 Dental Services for HMP Preston, HMP Kirkham, HMP Lancaster Farms and HMP Buckley Hall Each of the above services will be tendered separately and will consist of the following Lots and estimated annual contract values NHSE588 Health and Social Care Services Lot 1 HMP Preston - Estimated annual contract value £3,400,000 Lot 2 HMP Kirkham and HMP Lancaster Farms - Estimated annual contract value £4,300,000 Lot 3 HMP Risley and HMP Thorn Cross - Estimated annual contract value £4,660,000 NHSE453 Mental Health Services Lot 1 HMP Preston - Estimated annual contract value £1,600,000 Lot 2 HMP Kirkham and HMP Lancaster Farms - Estimated annual contract value £2,000,000 NHSE822 Dental Services Lot 1 HMP Preston - Estimated annual contract value £166,000 Lot 2 HMP Kirkham and HMP Lancaster Farms - Estimated annual contract value £220,000 Lot 3 HMP Buckley Hall - Estimated annual contract value £123,000 The Contracting Authority is issuing this Prior Information Notice (PIN) as a Request for Information (RFI) to engage with the market and to gather information in order to gain a better understanding of both the capacity and appetite of the market in delivering the proposed services, and to alert the market to a future tender opportunity. It is important to note that this PIN/RFI is not a call for competition and as such you will need to express your interest in any future tender opportunity once the contract notice is published in Find a Tender and on Contracts Finder. It should also be noted that this PIN/RFI invites individuals and organisations to express an interest in this RFI exercise only, and it is NOT a pre-qualification questionnaire, and is NOT part of any pre-qualification or selection process.
This PIN/RFI is intended as an awareness, communication, and information gathering exercise. An expression of interest is no indication of a commitment to participate in the RFI process nor does it infer any preferential or special status on those individuals and organisations who express an interest in the RFI exercise.

NHS England North West
Date Published
85000000: Health and social work services
Procurement Method
Procurement Method Details
Tender Deadline
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Suitable For Sme
Suitable For Vcse
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