79000000: Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
Detailed information about the contract
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Southend-on-Sea Borough Council is seeking to undertake a further wide ranging market engagement exercise with organisations interested in operating The Launchpad (An Innovation Centre). The original Market Engagement was undertaken in 2018. Much in the world has changed since that time, and the Council would again like to invite those with experience of developing and managing innovation centres, or similar purpose-led enterprises, to meet with Council representatives to informally discuss some of the key issues and questions the sector is currently facing. The discussions will help shape the vision and plans for The Launchpad, by testing the original assumptions around the Launchpad in light of COVID-19 and its effects on the wider economy.
As mentioned above, we would like to invite those with experience of developing and managing innovation centres (or similar purpose-led enterprises) to complete the related questionnaire, with a view to possibly attending interviews with Council representatives for informal discussions, to help further inform the plans for The Launchpad. For the avoidance of doubt, due to the time constraints and subject to the response from the market, it may not be possible to schedule an interview with each organisation which submits a response to the market engagement.
However, it should be noted this Prior Information Notice is not being used as a call for competition. As such any possible future procurement will be carried out in compliance with the required level of advertising and the fair treatment of all economic operators, regardless of their level of involvement in this market engagement process.
The value confirmed in this advert has been provided in order to fill a mandatory field. This is not representative of the value of any future procurement.
The deadline for submission of completed Market Engagement Questionnaires is: 17:00 Thursday 25th March 2021.
The Market Engagement Information and Questionnaire can be accessed via the link below, by registering an interest in project DN530477:
The date provided for "II.3. Estimated date of publication of contract notice" is tomorrow's date, to satisfy a mandatory field. It is not known at this time when the related contract notice will be issued.
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