85100000: Health services
Detailed information about the contract
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NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group has a potential opportunity for an 8 year contract with an option to extend for up to 2 years (total duration of 10 years) for a General Practice (GP) surgery based at Charlotte Keel Medical Centre (L81015) in Bristol. The current contract is a short term emergency contract due to expire on 31 March 2023. The successful provider would need to provide the full range of primary medical services from 01 April 2023, mobilising from December 2022.
The practice is situated in the Lawrence Hill ward of Bristol and is ethnically diverse; more than half of the population are BAME (59.6%). To support the diverse ethnicities the practice has interpreters, counsellors, and welfare benefits advisors accessible on site. The practice operates from a modern purpose-built health centre and is co-located with a community healthcare team as well as midwives, dentists, and the Citizens Advice Bureau.
The practice has a weighted list size of 17,920 and the annual contract value is £1,659,635, subject to quarterly list size adjustments, Global Sum and Out of Hours adjustments. Additional income is available from the Quality Outcomes Framework, Direct Enhanced Services, and Local Enhanced Services (LES), noting Local Enhanced Services commissioned by the CCG are offered on an annual basis and are subject to change based on local commissioning priorities. Based on the current year's LES specifications (2021/22), all the above services contribute to a total financial envelope of c.£2,135,000 per annum. A non-recurrent payment may also be made available to support transition costs.
Including this additionally achievable income, the contract value over 8 years is an estimated £17,080,000, with an estimated additional £4,270,000 for the option to extend for up to 2 years, making an estimated contract value of £21,350,000 over 10 years. Figures are indicative and represent the likely level of income the provider will receive from the Commissioner. It does not represent a guaranteed level of income. The CCG remains open to discussion of the finances with interested parties prior to commencing any procurement process.
The full scope of the service can be found in the attached description and service specification. One-to-one clarification meetings with the commissioner are also available to all interested parties, which will take place in the week commencing 28 February 2022.
All communication and interest related to this project must be directed through the eTendering system: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/scwcsu/aspx/Home. This process is being managed by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit on behalf of NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (the Commissioner). Please address all communication through In-Tend for the attention of Mark Stanbrook, Lead Senior Procurement Manager (South, Central and West CSU).
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