85000000: Health and social work services
Detailed information about the contract
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To provide employment support for people receiving structured community treatment (with the Suffolk integrated Drug and Alcohol treatment provider) for drug and alcohol dependence, who are either unemployed or are at risk of unemployment. The IPS approach aims to provide sustained employment through mainstream, competitive jobs for working aged people receiving structured community treatment for drug and alcohol dependence who are either unemployed or are employed but at risk of unemployment in Suffolk. IPS involves the following • A highly personalised approach which features significant employer engagement, • in-work support in addition to pre-employment support. • IPS interventions are designed to support people into jobs that they want to do regardless of their stage on the recovery journey. • It aims is to support people into paid, mainstream jobs. Short-term training, volunteering and work placements • IPS is not generally intended to support people more interested in longer-term training, volunteering or meaningful activity. The Service Provider will be expected to:
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